Webspace Module

The Webspace Module adds the ability for customers to order webspaces, which will be created inside the selected provider software. They can then login with the given credentials and configure their webspace.

Plesk Configuration

You need to have a Plesk Web Host Subscription in order for the Module to work.

As the administrator you can configure a few settings which I want to explain below. plesk_settings.png

  • Plesk Host: This is the Plesk host the panel will communicate with. It’s also the Domain where customers will be given when they get their credentials, so take a FQDN if you have one.
  • Plesk User & Plesk Password: These are the login credentials for the administrator user. It needs to be the administrator account.
  • Domain for random: When a new webspace is setup, the panel will generate a random subdomain for that webspace. The domain entered here will be appended after the random string, so the subdomain in my case would be: “xxx-xxxxx.plesk.bga.sh”
  • Webspace IP: This is the IP the webspace will get assigned. Currently it’s only possible to enter one IP, in the future there might be upselling features like dedicated IPs.

Enhance.com Configuration

  • Enhance Host: this is the enhance.com host where you want the customer to login to. This is also where the API is located.
  • Enhance OrgId: the ID of the main organization, you can find it on the “Settings” > “Access Tokens” page inside your Enhance dashboard.
  • Enhance Token: this is the token you need to create. Either “System Administrator” or “Super Admin” should work.

cPanel (WHM) Configuration

  • WHM Host (with port): this is the host + port of the WHM panel (2087) in a default installation.
  • cPanel Customer Host: this ist the host + port of the cPanel enduser panel (port 2083 by default).
  • WHM user: the user for the API token.
  • WHM API token: the API token, needs to be able to read packages and create users.


Packages are configured like they are in the base ProxmoxCP. The only difference is that you need to specify a service plan from plesk. This is where you would control how many domains, subdomains, disk space and so on a customer can have.

The meta-data provided here is shown on the overview page where the customer can order a webspace.


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