Domain Module

This module adds the possibility to manage PowerDNS Zones in the ProxmoxCP.

For now, this module only allows adding and editing of DNS Entries via PowerDNS. There is nothing included that allows for automatic domain registration for any registrar. This might get added in the future, based on customer feedback.


There are only a few configuration options (for now).


The โ€œAPI-Hostโ€ is your primary PowerDNS Server and the API-Key the token used to authenticate against the API. Read the PowerDNS Documentation to learn how to set the API up: The nameservers are used to create the NS entries for a domain. If you provide a list, make sure itโ€™s seperated with a comma (","). Also make sure that the single Domains end with a dot (".").

Admin Domain Managment

As an administrator, you can edit the attributes of a domain, this mean you can reassign the owner and update the registration date, expiration date and the date for the next payment. Please note that currently payment for domains are NOT integrated into the normal payment system, since actual domain registration still has to be done manually. If a domain auto-renews you can change the expiration date in the interface so the customer knows when the domain needs to be renewed next.

When you delete a domain here, it will also be fully removed in PowerDNS, meaning all records will be gone.

Reverse DNS

rDNS is an important part of the modern DNS Infrastructure. rDNS enables resolving of IPv4 or IPv6 addresses into a hostname. This is often used by E-Mail Infrastructure to verify the hostname a IP is sending from, but can also be used in many other ways.

The rDNS integration allows the customer to create PTR entries for the IPv4 addresses and/or IPv6 addresses. To do that, you need to connect an existing IPAM range with a new rDNS zone. Letโ€™s have a look at the dialog:


Here you select with IP range and specify the zone prefix. The correct suffix for IPv4 or IPv6 will be added automatically. This input does not do any validation since setups can vary due to the nature of rDNS delegation, especially classless rDNS delegation. You can read more about that in this blog-post:

After creating the zone, you should be able to query your DNS server for the rDNS zone

# dig NS +short

Now customers can create entries for their assigned addresses.


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