Accounting Integration

We offer integration for common bookkeeping software / invoicing systems that are requested by you, the customer.If you miss an integration, please reach out!

Currently integrated programms are:

Test-Invoices will always be created in a draft-mode, meaning they can be deleted after you are sure everything is up to your liking.



You only need to create your API-Key within Lexoffice and save it in the settings. You can find your API-Key here: lexoffice_2.png

The System will use the “Sammelkunde” if the customer is from Germany, otherwise a new customer will be created during the import process. You can test the connection and the creation of an invoice.



Create your API Key by navigating to “Einstellungen > Benutzer” and select the user you want to use. This will open a dialog where you can unlock and copy the key. sevdesk_2.png

You also need to create the “Sammelkunde” yourself. Do this by creating a “Kontakt” which has a generic name and copy over the “Knd.-Nr.” into the settings of the Panel. sevdesk_3.png



For Billomat, you need to create an App, which allows a much higher rate-limit than using a traditional API token. This can be easily done, just give it any name and copy over the App-ID and the App-Secret. billomat_2.png

You also need to create the “Sammelkunde” manually again. This customer does not need to have any information set except the country, which is Germany. You can assign a different number if you want, just make sure to set it in the settings accordingly. billomat_3.png


Do you require help?

Wether you have encountered a Bug, ran into a problem setting something up or require generall assistance using some of the features, we want to help you with that.

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