
Vouchers are a way for you (the admin) to offer a discount for your product, or give a one-time code to a customer for some balance.

To create a new voucher, you can navigate to the “Vouchers” page and click “Create voucher” on the top right. The following modal will show:


First, you enter a code here. This can be anything - but it should not be empty. The next field is used to limit the uses per customer. You may want to have a server-discount be available for the same customer multiple times, so you can change that here. Usage is tracked in the database. The total usage can be used to limit the number of combined uses. For the voucher to have unlimited uses, set this to “0”. Next up, decide wether the voucher is for balance or a discount. For balance, the value will be credit to the users account. If you decide to do a product voucher, you can decide wether it’s a fixed price or a percentage of the order-price.“Percentage” and “20” as a value means 20% off the order.“Fixed” and “20” as a value on the other hand means 20 euros (or what currency you have set) off the order. You can also set wether the voucher is applied only one or forever each month when the renewal comes around.

Example: You want 100 new users to have a 25% discount on their first order. So that would be “Usage per customer”: 1, “Usage total”: 100, “Balance/Product”: Product, “Percent/Fixed”: “Percentage”, “Percentage”: 25 and “One-Time/Recurring”: One-Time.

To use a voucher during the order process, simply enter the code, it will be applied automatically. vouchers_order.png

To use a balance-voucher, navigate to the balance page and enter the voucher on the bottom and press the buttom. vouchers_balance.png


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