Backup Module

This module adds the ability for your users to create backup jobs, which create backups that are assigned to a server.

Install the module by inserting your download key into the field on the admin settings page as described above. The module will then be downloaded and unpacked in the background.

Afterwards you can activate the module, which will check whether the necessary database tables have already been imported. If this is not the case, it will be done automatically.


As the administrator you can configure a few settings which I want to explain below. backup_settings.png

Storage: the target storage in Proxmox where backups will be saved. To make it easier for you, the panel will only show you storages where backups actually can be saved.

Mode: is the mode in which backups will be taken. In some configurations it might be desirable to stop the server during a backup. In most cases you want to use snapshot since the running server wont be impacted by that.

Compression: the compression to use for the backups. ZSTD is fast and good but if you want to get the fastest results use LZO, if you need high compression rates, use GZIP.

Billing period: this is the number of days in which the backups will be billed. Users will be billed for each slot they reserve every x days, which is the number of days you configure here. Please note that the prices you configure here are always for 30 days and will be broken down to the corresponding billing period.

Max. slots per Server: this is the upper limit for slots. Use it limit the slots of a backup job.

Pricecalculation method: when choosing a pricing model, you can decide between 3 methods: the simplest one is the fixed price, which is - as the name suggests - a fixed price per backup slots. If you want a little bit more control, you can use the %-Based price, which would take e.g. 20% off the server price as the price per slot. Fixed per GB means that you set a price per GB which then gets multiplied by the size of the Servers HDD.

Creating Backup Jobs

Navigate to the Backups and click on the top right to create a new backup job. The following modal will open: create_backup_job.png

First, you select a server or container. If you do not have the Container-Modal, you cannot create backups for containers.

Next, you can select wether you want to create automatic backups or only manual ones. Manual ones can be useful if you do not normally need backups, but from time-to-time need to save a state. When you select automatic, you need to define a cron-expression which will tell the server when to create your backup. Use a tool like to define your expression or use the in-build visual expression-builder: backup_create_cron.png

Here you can define when you want your jobs to run (tipp: use ctrl to select multiple values in the free-select).

Next, you have the option to decide wether automatic jobs are able to remove old ones. This is necessary when you want to have a scheduled job, but don’t want to login everyday and remove the oldest backup. When you reach your slot-limit the oldest non-locked backup will be automatically deleted prio to the creation of a new one.

After that you need to define how many slots you want to have. Each slot is a single backup. You pay for every slot that you reserve. The show amount is the total price according to the days in the sub-text.

Managing jobs and backups

After you create a backup job, you can click on it and the details will slide out: backup_list.png

In the details you can see a button to create a backup on demand, which will fill a slot but allows you to capture the state of your server at this point in time.

Below that you can see a list of backups. The green/blue circle in the front will tell you in which state the backup is. Green meaning the backup is done and available and blue meaning that the backup is scheduled and running or waiting for executing. Depending on the load of the server, backup queueing can take some time.

The 3 buttons give you control about the backup. You can restore it, which means that your server will be rolled back to the point in time when the backup was taken. You can also lock the backup, which means that it wont be automatically deleted by a scheduled run and you need to unlock it first before it can be deleted. The last button is to delete it, which just deletes the backup from the storage. Deleted backups are gone and cannot be restored.

Editing jobs

You have the option to edit jobs. backup_edit.png

Here you can change the method, meaning you can change if the job is run automatically or manual.

You can also change the slots. When you do this and you increase them, you will be partially billed for the days left in the current payment period. If you downscale the slots you will receive a credit for the slots that you have already paid for but won’t be able to use anymore.


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