Connect Proxmox

To connect your Proxmox server (or cluster) to the Panel, go to the general settings.


At this moment, ignore the “VNC” settings for now, these will be looked at in another article. Set the “Proxmox IP” to the IP address or hostname of the Proxmox server. You can decide between user/password authentication and API-Key Authentication, which is recommended since it’s faster. See the video below on how to aquire a token. The “Node” field is the hostname of the Proxmox server through which the communication should take place.

This video shows how to create an API-Key for the root-user:

After you have made your settings, you can save them with the "Save" button at the bottom of the page. You can start a connection test with the button "Test connection". Read the output carefully and look for potential error output.


The bridge is the network interface on the Proxmox server through which the VMs will later communicate with the Internet. In a standard installation this is vmbr0, but depending on the Proxmox setup it can be a different one.


This is the storage in Proxmox which is used to store VMs. It must therefore support the storage of disks. If you have more than one server (i.e. a cluster), this storage must be shared with all nodes in the cluster During development I work with the built-in CEPH storage in a 3-node cluster, but CIFS or NFS storage also works.

Cloning options

Proxmox gives you two ways to clone a VM.“Full clones” copy all the data from the template, while “Linked clones” copy only part of the data and reference the template for the rest. This means that linked clones use less disk-space, but have the disadvantage that you cannot remove the template without first removing all clones. If this checkbox is set, the system uses full clones.


The skip-lock option allows you to perform tasks even if the server is normally locked by Proxmox, e.g. by a running backup.**This option only works with the root user, otherwise the user does not have enough rights.


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