Error Logging

When the CP runs into an unrecoverable error, you will probably reach out to support for help.

It’s helpfull for me to get some insights, in the most cases I would ask you to enable the global error logging or send me some specific files from the server.

Enable error logging in the CIS:


Make sure to that the IP is always up to date, otherwise the system wont be able to associate you.

When error logging is enabled, any error will be automatically logged in my central server so I can look at them in detail.

Things that get saved (for up to 14 days):

  • Browser version and operating system of the user (like Chrome on Windows)
  • PHP version on the server
  • which server the panel is running on + the kernel version (e.g. Linux 5.15.0)
  • the IP-Adress of the server (NOT the user) and the hostname
  • the URL on which the error occured
  • request headers (except any authentication or cookie-headers)
  • modules and their versions and if they are enabled or not
  • composer-packages and their versions
Since the setup is just one click, I would appreciate if you take the time to do that. Identifying errors in production is important and will help me to find errors and fix them before any of your customers face them.

Do you require help?

Wether you have encountered a Bug, ran into a problem setting something up or require generall assistance using some of the features, we want to help you with that.

On our Discord-Server you can ask for help of any kind, suggest new ideas for our products or just hangout and chat!

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