Debugging Order Errors

During the order process you might encounter this error:


which most likely means that something is wrong with your configuration. This guide is meant to give a generell direction on how to debug these errors so you can eliminate them and find the issues faster next time.

Event Log

The event log is a great first place to check when you do encounter an error.


There are multiple types of error which are caught here. I will give a short explanation on each one but will dive in deeper later in the article.

  1. No node with sufficient resources found. - this basically means that the panel was not able to find a node where there are enough resources (memory and disk) free to clone and create a new server. This is configured by your limit-config.
  2. No free IPv4-Address found. - there was no free IPv4 Adress found to be used, so you need to create a new IPAM Range with at least one free and usable IP for the node.
  3. No free IPv6-Address found. - the same, but for IPv6. If you do not want to have IPv6, switch from dual-stack/ipv6 deployment in the IPAM settings to IPv4 only.
  4. Error during the cloning of the template. Check the Proxmox Log and the proxmox.log file on the server. - this is a generic error, where we donโ€™t really know the reason. See below for detailed steps
  5. Error during the update of the created VM. Check the Proxmox Log and the proxmox.log file on the server. - this is the step after the clone on Proxmox was done, which means that either something with the provided data is wrong or the configuration is invalid. See below for detailed steps.
  6. Error during the resize of the new VM. Check the Proxmox Log and the proxmox.log file on the server. - this happens after the updating of the clone. This is the step where the VM gets itโ€™s drive resized. This error often happens when you try to order a server where the disk is smaller than the template - which wonโ€™t work, or there is insufficient space on the target-storage.

Node Limits

see Host Overview

More Information

The panel saves every important interaction with proxmox to a logging-file which is located on the server you have installed the panel on. This file lives in the root-folder of the panel, if you use the auto-installer this would be /var/www/html/ and is called proxmox.log.

I encountered a resize error, so we can check the log for more information about the request and the error: resize_error.png

As you can see, we tried to shrink the disk, which is - as Proxmox tells us - not supported.


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