Automated Installation

In order to make the installation as easy as possible, I developed a small script that will help you setup everything needed.

Download it with the following command:

root@server ~ #: wget -O && chmod +x ./ 

The following options are available:


     show this help
-k <key>
     auto-deploy with product-key
     auto-approves every action
     ./auto-install -y -k abc1234

Start the script by running this command:

root@server ~ #: ./ -y -k downloadkey

This way all dependencies are installed, your product will be downloaded and the database will be imported. After the script finishes you can start with the configuration.


Do you require help?

Wether you have encountered a Bug, ran into a problem setting something up or require generall assistance using some of the features, we want to help you with that.

On our Discord-Server you can ask for help of any kind, suggest new ideas for our products or just hangout and chat!

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