Extra Charges

Extra charges enable you to bill extra money for certain configurations or products. The most common use-case is an additional base-cost for something like an IPv4-Adress or an extra charge for a specific server-template since it contains a licensed software.

To create new charges, navigate to “Extra Charges” and click the “Create” button.


Here, you can give the charge a description (which is public) and a price. There is no option to create a percentage-based charge. You can also decide if the charge should be displayed extra or not. Hidden charges will still be used during calculation but just won’t displayed in the price overview. Next, you can decide if the charge is global or OS-Specific. OS-Specific means that you also need to select a template to which the charge would apply. Global means that it’s added to every product during the order-process. You can also decide wether the charge is a one-time thing or if it gets added each month.

Configurable Charges

Introduced in version 3.24.0, additional charges can now also be configurable, meaning you can give users the option to select an extra during the order process. For this, select “Configurable” in the charges configuration. You can also decide to make this charge onlt available for a selected template.

Configurable charges don’t have any functionality by default. They are just like the normal extra charges static entities that can be choosen. To make them do something (if you want automation) you have to use the event system. You can find an example event which you can import here: Github.com


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